Friday, December 19, 2008

Store Closing - 65% off EVERYTHING!

I am closing my store Dec 31 and retiring from designing, at least for awhile!

If you have had your eye on anything in my store, now is the time to grab it because I can’t guarantee if I come back, if I will have the same products or not!

All kits, brag books, hybrid albums, quick pages,

EVERYTHING is 65% off

through Dec 31 and then it’s gone!

You can find my store here:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Trick Or Treat!

No tricks here, just treats!
Everything in my store is 50% off through October 31!
This includes my quality control services as well as my newest kit, Monster Mash!

You can grab Monster Mash HERE

This kit is packed!
40 papers, 134 elements and a full alphabet all for just $3.00 until Oct 31!!!
Bunches of adorable little goblins to accent the pages of your little goblins!
Check out the other preview in the store for more pieces in this kit!

Why not check out my Monster Mash Kate album, too?
8 pages and 8 backs for all of those adorable photos you will be taking in just a few days!
Just $2.50 while the sale lasts!

Grab the Monster Mash Kate album HERE

Run, don't walk! This sale only lasts a few days!

Don't forget, I also offer quality control services for designers at an affordable price, and now 50% off!
If you've never tried my services, why not try them now?

Check out my store at Digitals!

Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Birthday Blog Blowout - Day 8!

Well, we have come to the end of the line. It is Day 8 and the train ride has ended.
I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have!

Thank you all so very much for all of the wonderful comments about the album, my health, the fires and everything else! You have no idea how nice it is to come here and to 4shared and read all of your comments! They really make my day and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

Update on health: The dr has no idea what is wrong. Since the blood work is fine, she thinks it may be more related to my thyroid problems than to the bites. She could be right, of course, but it just seems weird that this all started after I got bit! Pretty big coincidence but hey, after all of the blood tests I had done, at least I know there is nothing "wrong" with me so for that I am very grateful!

Ok, a few more things and we will get to the last download.

First, since this album may be a little "dark" or "scary" for younger children, I worked all day on a child-friendly album. I finally got it done at 2am and loaded into my store. You can click on the photo for a larger view than what you see here! Here is what it looks like:

It has 8 photo pages and 8 matching backs for journaling or to create your own pages.
It is 30% off and can be found HERE
I hope you like it! :o)

Second, I have decided to post ALL of the links one last time so if you missed any of them, you can grab them for the next 24 hours!
Here are links to Days 1-7

Sorry! Links have all expired!

And Day 8 is all of the matching backs.

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I have enjoyed riding the train with all of you and I hope you will come back and check my blog once in awhile! Remember, you can also join my Yahoo group! (Button is in upper right corner of the blog) This is my group for posting my new products so you won't get too many emails!

Thank you all for joining me every day! It's been great!

Remember to check out the other designer blogs for the last day of goodies, too!




















Spellweaver (You are here!)


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Birthday Blog Blowout - Day 7!

One of those bummer days today. Our grocery store and several other shops in that same area burned down last night. Or I should say, were torched. Why do people do that???
The grocery store, tobacco shop, drug store, snack bar, Chinese restaurant, a dentist and a gym were all burned down. The gym is at least there but from the looks of it, they will end up tearing it down. The snack bar and grocery store are nothing but broken glass, melted steel and rubble. The rest of them are just completely gone. Nothing but piles of rubble and smoldering ashes. It broke my heart to see it. Now to find another grocery store until they rebuild. Arrrgggg

They also came to paint the house again today since the weather cleared up finally. Every time they come to paint, I have to either leave the house or go upstairs and not come down for most of the day. I am allergic to paint so it's not a good thing to stick around! While we have 3 computers upstairs, none of them have my work materials so I got nothing done all day! *groan*

Tomorrow I see the dr again. I doubt she will have any answers but I am going back just the same. That is if someone doesn't torch that center as well!
Can you tell I'm upset about the fire? It really bothers me that people do things like that. Sometimes I really hate this world we live in these days. I just don't get it. I moved to Holland 8 years ago to get away from all the crime and crap back home in Wisconsin and now it is starting here as well. Nothing ever stays good, does it?

Ok, enough of the bummer today. I have one last page for you today. Tomorrow will be all of the backs that match the pages so you can make more pages if you want. If I get lucky, and the painters don't come back yet again, maybe I will actually get the kit done that I made this album from! Keep your fingers crossed! :o)

(Jody, I doubt this will be a good page for the kids' albums! I may try and come up with another album, more child appropriate!)

Here is today's page:

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Don't forget to check the other designer blogs for more goodies!
See you tomorrow!






DeDe: /














Spellweaver: (You are here!)


Monday, October 6, 2008

Birthday Blog Blowout - Day 6!

Wow! We are almost to the end of the blog train already! Can you believe it?

Thank you all again for all of the wonderful comments about the pages as well as the advice and well wishes for my health! They are all very much appreciated!

I went shopping today and picked up some cool and creepy Halloween decorations and spent the rest of the day decorating! I still have so far to go but the kids think it's cool. To have a 15 and 17 year old say they think it's cool, must mean it's cool! lol

Since the kids are "grown up", we are going with a bloody skeleton theme this year. It is looking quite spooky in here already!
I have been printing out every cool skeleton photo I can find and putting them in all of my photo frames! lol It's amazing how many skeleton photos you can find that are so cool!
Add to that a bloody stump of a foot hanging from the ceiling, a complete wall mural of a skeleton butcher shop, candles with blood dripping from them and a bloody apron with body parts splattered over it with the saying "The Family Butcher"(my costume! lol) and it is coming right along! I have a lot more skeletons to get up and more "bloody candles" to make but it has been fun! This house will be totally creepy by Halloween night!
The kids wanted a party this year and are they ever going to get one! :o)
(Yes, I do believe I may be a bit deranged!)

Anyway, I have been quite busy with the Halloween stuff today and having a lot of fun in the process. If anyone has any ideas or sees anything on the internet that would fit our theme this year, send it my way! I am looking for anything for food, decorations, games, movies, anything for the party! The kids are all between 15 and 17 so older games and stuff finally! Also, it is a mixed crowd meaning boys and girls.

Ok, the thing you have all come here for! Day 6! (Jody, I hope this one isn't too much for the kids' album!)
This is the page you will be getting today:

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Don't forget to check the other designer blogs for more goodies!
See you tomorrow!






DeDe: /














Spellweaver: (You are here!)


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Birthday Blog Blowout - Day 5!

Thank you all for the well wishes and the links and ideas!

I do not believe I was bit by a spider of any kind. Why? Because I believe that whatever it was, was attracted to the sweat as I had a bunch of bites on my scalp as well at the same time. I guess it's not to say that whatever bit me in the face was the same as what bit my scalp though!
I am still reading up on spider bites as well as the fibromyalgia (spelling?) and anything else I can find with the symptoms I have. I see the dr again on Tuesday so maybe she will have some more insight or ideas. I doubt it though. The one thing I hate about Dutch medicine is the "give it a few weeks time" attitude. You get that a lot here. Not to say it is always a bad thing as most times, within a few weeks, whatever I have had has gone away but this time, I waited 3 weeks like she said and still had problems. (After having had them for almost a month before that!) At least she ordered tests right away after coming back. Now with the tests showing nothing though, I have the feeling she will say, just give it more time. I find it always hardest to not know what is wrong rather than knowing, even if it is bad. You can't fight what you don't know!

I will be sure to pass on the spider information to my fellow gardener. Perhaps he was bit by a spider.
There is also a sickness from the water in the canals sometimes, I have learned since this started. Since we use the canal water to water the gardens as we have no power in them, that is another possibility but again, I believe that would have showed up in the multitude of blood tests I just had.

I do not recall getting bit by a mosquito ever in the garden so I don't believe it was anything like that but again, I just can't say 100% as I really don't know what bit me!

I am taking a natural approach at the moment. I bought some green tea today (with cranberries! YUM!) and am hoping maybe it will help boost my system anyway, if nothing else. I heard that green, white and oolong tea, even once a week, have some mighty strong healing properties in different ways. We'll see if it helps anything. At least I feel like I am doing something even if I don't know what the problem is. Boosting your system is always good no matter what so what have I got to lose, right?

Anyway, thank you all for the leads! You just never know which one might be the answer!

Today, of course, I have another page from the Halloween Kate album! This page is similar to the quick page I did for a normal, 12x12 album. This one just has a bit less in it as it is smaller.
The quick page is in the store if you are interested! Plus, it's 30% off! :o)
The background on both of these pages (Kate album and regular quick page) is a photo I took of the moon one night.

Here is what you will be getting today:

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Don't forget to check the other designer blogs for more goodies!
See you tomorrow!






DeDe: /














Spellweaver: (You are here!)


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Birthday Blog Blowout - Day 4!

Well, I received some good and bad news today. I have been having some health problems since being bitten by something in my garden almost 2 months ago. I have had pain lasting a day or two in various places on my body,(in joints and muscles), headaches, hot flashes, nausea and unbelievable fatigue. The kind where it is an effort to lift your arm, not the kind where you sleep all the time. Because the pains were fleeting, always some other joint or muscle, I was beginning to think I was going crazy! My dr finally ordered a whole panel of blood tests: Lyme Disease, red blood cells, white blood cells, kidney, liver.....the works. The results finally came in today and everything is fine. My blood shows I am healthy as a horse! Now, this should be a good thing but since I am still having problems and I KNOW I am not crazy, we have to figure out what is going on! (Good and bad, see?)

Last night hubby was talking to a woman whose garden butts up to mine. He was telling her how sick I have been and all the problems and she said her husband was bit by something in the garden as well and not long after I was, and he, too, has been really sick ever since! Now, not that him being sick makes me happy but in a way, it does! If he is having the same problems, then it is NOT in my head, I am NOT crazy and there is a reason why we both are having these problems but what the heck is it? At least I can rest easy knowing it's not Lyme Disease which is what everyone was afraid it might be.
I do know when I got bit, I swelled up and it stayed swollen for about 3 days. It has left a small spot on my face that to look at it, you would think it was just a pimple. I also had a bunch of bites on my scalp that left scabs for weeks. My neighbor's hubby had swelling as well but it sounds like his was even worse!
So why am I writing this here? Perhaps someone else has gone through this and maybe they have some ideas for me (us) on what this could be. Neither of us has any idea what bit us! Our gardens are out in the middle of farm land, in a community garden. Nothing around us but dirt, dirt and more dirt. We are surrounded by sloots (ummm, canals), where we get our water from.
There are quite a few gardens here but I haven't heard of anyone else being bitten or having these problems until last night.
Anyone else ever have this or have any ideas? It would be greatly appreciated if you could pass them my way if so!

Ok, on to the day's freebie!
Can you believe we are already half way through the blog train? I think next time I will take a slower train so I can enjoy the scenery along the way! :o)

I hope you all are enjoying the train ride so far! Thank you for the wonderful comments! They are much appreciated, even just a "thank you"! They all make me smile!

I want to remind everyone that my store is on sale for 30% off everything through Oct 8! If you have had your eye on something, now would be the time to grab it! Who knows when the next sale will be!
You can find my store HERE

I have another album page for you today. This is what you will be getting:

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Can you tell I love the haunted house and the old fence? lol

Don't forget to check the other designer blogs for more goodies!
See you tomorrow!






DeDe: /














Spellweaver: (You are here!)


Friday, October 3, 2008

Thank you all again for all of the wonderful comments you have been leaving! It really is such a joy to read them!

We are on Day 3. Nothing special to say today so I will just get right to your download!
This is what you will get today:

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Remember, each link is only available for 24 hours so grab them while you can! The complete album will be for sale in the store after the blog train has arrived at it's final destination.

Be sure to check the other blogs for more goodies!






DeDe: /














Spellweaver: (You are here!)


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Birthday Blog Blowout - Day 2!

Thank you so much to everyone that left such great comments here and on 4shared! I enjoy reading them and am so happy you like the album!

Before we get to today's freebie, I would like to show you some new products I added to the store yesterday. With the big sale going on, they are all 30% off!
I am hoping to have 31 new Halloween products in the store by Halloween. Will I make it? I guess only time will tell, huh? Here is what I added today:

First up, a Hallows Eve Quick page. 12"x12" and png. A little bit spooky and a little bit cute, don't you think?

You can grab the quick page for just $1.05 now through Oct 8!
Check it out HERE

Next up we have the HallowTreats set. This set is perfect for the Trick-R-Treaters or your Halloween party! You get a 7" bag topper, 4 mini candy wrappers and 4 (3"x4") sucker cards. Just print, fill and you are ready to go!

You can grab this set for just $1.75 through Oct 8!
Check it out HERE

And one more little goodie. This isn't Halloween but it is in celebration of Digitals 4th birthday!
An adorable Birthday Times Magazine Cover! Just slide your photo behind the "cover", add the date and you are done! A great way to show off the birthday boy or girl!

You can grab this magazine cover for just $1.40 through Oct 8! Is that a steal or what?
Check it out HERE

Now for your Day 2 freebie......
I have another page for you today in the Halloween Kate album.
This is what you will get today:

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Don't forget to check out the other Digital blogs for even more goodies!
See you tomorrow!






DeDe: /














Spellweaver: (You are here!)


Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Grab Bags:

Blog Links, Game, and Crop Info:

Free Downloads:

Birthday Blog Blowout - Day 1!!

We are back! A Birthday celebration blog train from many of the Digitals designers!
This train is in celebration of our 4th birthday! Be sure to stop by Digitals and pass on your birthday wishes in the forum! Be sure to check out all of the activities going on as well, Oct 1-8! You don't want to miss out!

Each link will be available for 24 hours, except for Day 1, which will be available for 48 hours.
If you miss a link, the album will be in the store after the train reaches it's final destination.

I have made a Cosmo Cricket Kate album in a Halloween theme. I used bits from my old Halloween kit as well as a new one I am almost finished with.
Here is the album you will end up with if you stop by each day!

The album has 6 photo pages, 6 matching backs, and a front and back cover! The tombstone on the back cover is left blank so you can add the year if you want or anything else you might want to add!

Today, you will get the front and back covers to get your album started!

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Be sure to check out all of the other designer blogs for even more goodies from the Birthday Blog Blowout Train!






DeDe: /














Spellweaver: (You are here!)


Monday, September 29, 2008

Birthday Bingo Game!

For more information and to sign up, see this forum:

Friday, August 1, 2008

Christmas Jack is in the store!

So, you know hubby and I went away last weekend for a hot air balloon festival. Well, things didn't work out like we had planned! We got in late Friday, so decided just to go to the hotel and get some dinner since there wasn't much going on at the festival that night anyway.
Saturday, all of the good stuff was happening in the evening so we decided to go to this little town they call the Venice of Holland. It's actual name is Giethoorn. This town is fabulous! No cars, just foot, bike or boat! There are canals everywhere and a beautiful lake!
We rented a boat and took off through the canals and I was snapping photos every inch of the way I think! lol
One of the highlights for me were the weddings we got to see! There is a small church there and the wedding party comes in a boat, like a gondola. The bride and groom come in another boat and everyone else comes in this big sightseeing type boat. The boats were all done up with greenery and flowers and it was all so romantic! If I had known 7 years ago they did this, I would have gotten married there! :o) We did tell our daughter that we booked her wedding already! She just had to find the groom and the dress but she informed me she already has both! lol She is 15!

Anyway, the boat trip was so relaxing and so much fun! We got to the lake and just turned off the motor, threw our feet in the water and just floated. Oh it was nice but HOT! After living in about 65 degrees for so long and then having it about 100, it felt really hot to us!

After the boat ride, I wanted to walk around and get some more photos. First, lunch! We stopped at a store, grabbed some kaiser rolls, cheese, watermelon, drinks and wet wipes to clean up and found ourselves a nice shady spot on the bank of one of the canals. We ate out lunch and shared with some pretty brave ducks! They were so cute!

After wandering a bit, we decided it was just too hot for walking around so decided to head back to the hotel, shower, grab some dinner and then head out to the balloon festival. While hubby was taking his shower, I grabbed a chair and sat outside reading. While I am reading, I keep hearing thunder! I thought, no, it can't be! Hubby checked the weather when he got out of the shower and sure enough, terrible storms were headed our way! Let me tell you, they were bad! The parking lot of the hotel was flooded in like 30 minutes! It was up above the bottom of the hubcaps on the car! I couldn't believe our luck! Well, there was always Sunday still so hubby watched tv and I fell asleep before 10:30! Unheard of for me! lol

Sunday dawned sunny and warm! The festival didn't have anything going on until 2pm so we grabbed some breakfast, packed our stuff and checked out of the hotel just before noon. We had a few hours so we headed into Leeuwarden to check out the town. They had a braderie (street fair) going on so we roamed there a bit. By 1:30 we were back on the road and heading to Joure where the balloon festival was. When we got into town, we didn't know where it was so we stopped into a coffee/tea shop to ask directions. They told us the festival had been cancelled both Saturday and Sunday because of the weather! *arrrggg*! Not much we could do so we had a piece of bakery and a cup of coffee. I still wanted to at least see the field so we got directions and headed over there. We didn't get to see a thing! Not even the field! There were guards posted at all of the entrances turning people away because it was canceled. Needless to say, we were disappointed we didn't get to see the balloons!

We decided to head back home and just stop at little towns along the way! Hubby wanted to stop in Urk, a little fishing town he had heard about. It was quite cute with an old village, a big beach, a fire tower and so much more!
We stopped here and there but nothing exciting and got home in time for dinner! *sigh*
All in all though, it was a very enjoyable, very relaxing weekend!

Next week, however, there is another balloon festival in Breda and since hubby is off all month, he said maybe we could go! I am almost afraid to get excited about it! lol I'll let you know if we get there!

Now, onto to store news.......

I finally got the Christmas Jack album in the store! If you missed it during the Polar Blog Express, you can grab it now at 50% off! Grab it before midnight, EST, Sunday as the price goes back up!

I have also marked down my Christmas Joy, Christmas Clusters, Christmas Bulb Alphas and the whole bundle as well! You can grab any of them for 50% through Sunday!

Well, that's about it for now!
Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Polar Blog Express - Day 12

Well, here we are at our final stop of the Polar Blog Express. I hope you all have enjoyed the ride! I know I sure have!

Today is the last day to grab those Christmas presents the designers at Digitals have hidden in their stores. If you haven't grabbed them yet, you better hurry before they are gone! See the forum for clues to find the gifts HERE

Today is also the last day of my sale. Everything in my store is 35% off!
You can find my store HERE

I have one extra treat for you on our last day of this journey. It is a tag frame. You can fold it up and add a ribbon then attach it to a package or you can just use it as a frame! This is what it looks like when finished (although this isn't the best picture! Sorry!)

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That's my sweet grandson in the photos! Isn't he adorable? :o)

And now, for our last page in the Christmas Jack album. I have included the blank as well as a blank for the back cover in the zip. Here is what today's page looks like:

(Blank back cover not shown in preview!)
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Well, I hope you will join me again here after the train pulls out! It has been a great ride and I have thoroughly enjoyed it! Thank you all for riding the Polar Express!

Be sure to check out all of the other blogs for more goodies!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Here we are, at the next to last stop on our journey! I can't believe it is almost over already!
I have enjoyed traveling with all of you and hope you will join me again on my blog even after the train pulls away for other destinations!

I would like to remind you that I have a Yahoo group. It is a place to keep up with what is new in my store! I am the only one to post so emails are not a lot! If you
would like to join me, just click the button on the top right of my blog! I would love to see some more new faces in the group! :o)

If you haven't done so already, don't forget about the present hunt at the Digitals site! There are a lot of wonderful gifts just waiting for you to find them! Get the clues HERE
When the train stops, the gifts disappear so grab them while you can!
Don't forget to check out all of the wonderful sales the designers have going on as well! You can save a lot of money by shopping now!

Well, here is the preview for Day 11:

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This page coordinates with the page from yesterday. I have added a blank back again for you to embellish however you wish!

I guess that's it for today! Until tomorrow......

Be sure to check out all of the other blogs for more goodies!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Polar Blog Express - Day 10

Day 10! Just 3 more pages to go!

Thank you, again, for all of the wonderful comments you have been leaving! I really appreciate them and I know all of the other designers do as well! Thank you!

I didn't get a chance to work on anything again today. I had too much other work to be done. I have a bunch of things sitting here waiting to be finished up but so far, just not enough time in the day!
I do have today's page for you though! :o) Here is the preview:

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Until tomorrow......

Be sure to check out all of the other blogs for more goodies!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Polar Blog Express - Day 9

I am pretty tired tonight so just the preview and the link!

I would like to say thank you again to all of you that take the time to leave comments, even if only a thank you! They are all very much appreciated! Thank you!

Ok, here is Day 9!

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See you tomorrow!

Be sure to check out all of the other blogs for more goodies!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Polar Blog Express - Day 8

Hello again and welcome back! :o) (Please remember, I am writing this one day ahead of time so bear with me if things sometimes don't make sense! lol

First, thank you all for the Anniversary wishes! We had a wonderful day! The in-laws came and celebrated with us and took us out to dinner. After dinner, we dropped off the kids and hubby and I went to a park we like and just walked for a few hours and I took a gazillion photos of the sunset! lol I love my new camera I got recently (Olympus SP-56OUZ) but I am a bit disappointed with the colors I am getting out of it. I am going to have to look at it a bit more and see if there is any way to change them to brighten them up a bit! The oranges showed up nicely but the blues, pinks and purples just got lost! *sigh*
Next weekend we are celebrating our anniversary for real by going away for the weekend to a hot-air balloon festival in Northern Holland. I am SOOOOO looking forward to that! I wish I could afford the $150 euros a person to take a ride in one! I am afraid of heights but I am determined to ride in a hot air balloon in my lifetime! Go figure! lol
If nothing else, I should have some wonderful photos next weekend! Not only will we be going to the balloon festival but there is also this little town up there that is supposed to be just heavenly! Foot traffic only! I can't wait to see that as well! One more week to go! :o)

Here is a photo of the sunset I took tonight while walking through the park. You can click on it for a larger view! I did resize it a lot for the blog though! Isn't it gorgeous! I am so thankful for such beautiful sunsets!

Ok, enough chatter and on to Day 8! I have an embellished page and a plain back today. Again, the plain back can be used to create another page of your own making! Of course, I don't mind if you buy my Christmas kit to do that so that all of your pages match! :o) Just in case, lol, you can find the kit HERE
It's on sale for just $3.25! I also have some Christmas Clusters and Christmas bulb alphabets to match. You can buy those separately or buy all of them in a bundle for even greater savings! Check them all out in my store HERE!

Now, the moment you have all been waiting for! Day 8!

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That's it for today! Have a wonderful day and see you again tomorrow!

Be sure to check out all of the other blogs for more goodies!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Polar Blog Express - Day 7

Well, we are more than half way through the train ride now! Have you all been enjoying the ride so far?

Thank you again for all of the wonderful comments you have been leaving on my blog and at the 4shared download pages! They are very much appreciated!
Yes, the card has a "surreal" look to it. I used to make "real" cards and one of the things I did was to cut out portions like that and then fold the paper over. The point gets tucked into the the part below or glued. It was tough to do and time consuming but the look was great! I decided to try it digitally and I think it came out pretty good! It looks just like my "real" cards did! :o)

I changed my blog a bit yesterday! Did you notice? lol I think it is a much cleaner, easier to look at, look. The top banner was made for me by Shawn Walter using my Little Lady kit. I think she did a fabulous job on the banner, don't you?

Today, hubby and I are celebrating our 7th anniversary! The time has gone so quickly! I can't believe it's 7 years already! I am so glad he came into my life, even when I wasn't looking! He is everything to me and is my best friend without a doubt! I can't imagine life without him.
Happy Anniversary sweetheart! :o)

Ok, on to Day 7! Today I have the coordinating page to yesterday's page. (So weird to write "yesterday" as I am writing this "yesterday" for today! lol)

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Well, that's it for today!
Be sure to check out all of the other blogs for more goodies!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Polar Blog Express - Day 6

I have responded to some of the comments left in yesterday's blog entry. Please see the end of this blog entry for those responses!

I have 2 goodies for you today. The one is not the one I had hoped to have done as it is taking longer than I thought. I think it will be worth the wait when it is done though! :o)

Ok, first, I have a photo card I created some time ago. Santa and title not included! :o)
It's left blank so you can fill in your own greeting. Just a simple little card.

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The second freebie is the next page (and blank back) from my Christmas Jack album.

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Some comments left needed replies and this is the only to do that so here goes!
First, thank you again to everyone for your replies! As always, it is a true pleasure to read them!

lorig - I got a lot of weeding done! The garden looks almost like a veggie garden again and not a weed garden! :o)

lisar - Very creative way to use the pages! I am so happy to hear you found another way to use them! Thanks for passing that on!

scangel - Did you finally get Day 5?

Aleah'sMommy - Yes, I am definitely my own worst critic for sure! lol And a perfectionist which just makes matters worse! :o)

That's it for today! I am beat and heading to bed. It's been a long day!
Until tomorrow.....

Be sure to check out all of the other blogs for more goodies!