Monday, March 23, 2009

March 23 - Happy Birthday Mom!

It's my Mom's birthday today! Happy Birthday Mom!
Not that my Mom reads my blog but I wanted to acknowledge it online just the same! For all I know she does read it and just doesn't tell me! :o)

Today is nasty here! Rainy and gray. I'm glad my MIL told me it was raining where they live. We usually get it about a half hour after them so I ran to the store right away after talking to her. Boy, am I glad I did! :o) It started raining not long after I got home.

Food notes:
I thought I would start putting in here what we are eating for dinner at night. Why? I have no idea! lol Perhaps you can leave a comment about what you are having/had for your dinner as well! It might give us some ideas! Kind of a "dinner meal exchange" of sorts!
Tonight, we are having sub sandwiches. We love the Chicken Teriaki (sp?) sandwiches at Subway but who can afford to eat out nowadays? I found a great sauce at my grocery store for just over an euro a jar. I cut up chicken breasts into small pieces, cook them and then add the sauce. I also add just a bit of brown sugar as we like it just a little sweeter. Add some onions, lettuce, tomato and mozzarella cheese and you have a sub for about 1/3 of the price. I will probably throw in some fries to go with this as well.
What are you having for dinner?

Today's postcard may look strange to some of you. Can anyone tell me what those white things are in the middle of the postcard? I know what they are but do you?
Hint: This photo was taken at the Keukenhof. If you have been following my blog, by now you should know what the Keukenhof is and what they have there! Shout out! What are those white blobs on the postcard? :o)

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Well, it is almost 5pm so I better get busy cutting up that chicken!
Have a wonderful Monday everyone! Thanks for stopping by!


Unknown said...

Tjanks for another beautiful card. I'm working tonight, so probably McDonalds or something frozen from the store I work at. I made barbecue pork last night though, in the slow cooker. yum! The white blobs look like flower bulbs, I think.

Anonymous said...

The white blobs look like meringues to me....LOL. Talking of food last night we had TBone steaks for dinner and tonight we are having Chicken Kiev. We love the Chicken Teriyaki from Subway too.....must try and make my own.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, [Spellweaver's]Mom!!! Thanks for the cute card --- I have no clue what those white blobs are!

Aleah'sMommy said...

Thanks so much hun for 21-23. I was slacking a bit LOL! Doesnt help my normal work schedule got changed. Instead of working sunday morning like I have done every week since I started I had to work 3p-9p & they have me doing it again this weekend. I need to ask for my sunday mornings back cause it throws me all off track! LOL! Thanks again hun!