Saturday, January 31, 2009

Jan 31 - Florence, Italy

Just the postcard at the moment! It is after 1am (Fri) and I am posting for tomorrow but I am beat tonight so I really don't have much to say!
Thank you to those of you that have downloaded the postcards and left comments! I appreciate them!

This is a postcard looking out over Florence. Up here, there is a statue of David but it is just a replica. They had a lot of construction going on at the time so I don't have any good photos of the fake David. I thought this view of Florence was beautiful though! :o)

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Have a great day! Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Jan 30 - More Pisa, Italy

Before we get to today's postcard, someone told me that unless you are a member of 4shared, you can't download the postcards? Is there anyone else not able to download them? I thought 4shared was available to everyone so this is why I have been using it! If there are indeed problems for people, I will find another place for the files in addition to 4shared so everyone that wants them can get them! Please leave a comment and let me know if you have problems being able to download the postcards!

When you see postcards of Pisa, you think it is just the tower but the square it is in has several beautiful buildings as well as shops, restaurants and more. This is one of those buildings you see in the square. You also get a better idea of the lean of the tower when seeing it against this building!

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Just short and sweet today! :o)
Thanks for stopping by! See you again tomorrow!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jan 29 - Pisa, Italy

I thought we would head to Italy for a bit! Today's postcard is from Pisa. It is very different in person. It's in the middle of a square and feels a bit unreal. It was definitely NOT what I expected! lol I thought it was pretty impressive but hubby and the kids didn't think much of it at all. I hope you enjoy the postcards anyway!

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That's it for today!
Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jan 28

Just a quick post today. I have another view, the back side, of Notre Dame. Isn't it just amazing, all the spires and shapes? I find this side so much more interesting than the front! lol The front has the beautiful carvings but the back has all the character!

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Thanks for stopping by! See you again tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jan 27 - More Notre Dame

Hello again!
Today, I have another view of Notre Dame. This is on the Seine side. You always see the front but how often do you get to see the back or sides of Notre Dame? Other than the sculptures on the front, I personally find the back and sides so much more interesting! The look is so gothic, I think. I really think it is such a beautiful building.
Why is it that buildings built so long ago seem to hold up so much better than buildings built today?

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Aleah'sMom - Those vampire books sound cool! We recently got the show Moonlight, about vampires and we love it! The States probably had it 2 years ago! lol If your books are anything like the show, I bet they are great reading!

Sherry - I used to download books to listen to but I just don't enjoy them as much that way. When I read, I tend to get lost in the story and usually have to be physically shaken to get my attention when I am reading! lol When I listen to books, I can't get into them like that and I have a hard time following them.
I'm so glad to hear you can enjoy books in this way though since your CFS started. I can't imagine not being able to read, one way or another!

Today I just took it easy! Catching up on laundry and watching shows we recorded but just haven't had time to watch! I think I still need another lazy day though. Thank goodness I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow!

Question for today: Do you buy new books or used?
My preference: used because they are so much cheaper! It's the same book as a new one, you read it once (maybe twice) and then it sits on a shelf or goes to a used book store, garage sale, etc. I would rather have 5 used books than 1 new one! How about you? What is your preference?

That's it for today! Thanks for stopping by!
See you tomorrow!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Jan 26 - More Notre Dame

Today's postcard is just one of the many views you see carved into Notre Dame. It is just amazing how gorgeous it is. It is really something you just have to see in person! Each of the scenes is something else from the Bible. I believe these are apostles but I could be wrong! If anyone knows for sure, please let me know!

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The weekend is over, the kids are both a year older and one of them is now an adult! *groan*
The soccer game was so cold (it was at night) and they played so badly! Not that they have been playing very good this season but we can hope each game will be the one to change it all, right? Well, Saturday's game wasn't the one!

I am absolutely exhausted. Other than doing laundry I don't think I will be doing too much else today! Just take it easy, maybe read another book.

I started a list on the right side of my blog of the books I have read. I am so bad about keeping track each year so I thought this year I would make a list here on my blog and at year's end, I could see how much and what I read!
Personally, my tastes are varied. Since moving to Holland, I am not too picky! If someone finds a book in English, I read it! It's not always so easy to find them in English but we have been managing! My MIL finds quite a few for me each year and I just devour them! We have found several used book stores where I can usually find some and we hit all the flea markets we see, searching for English books. They don't come cheap though! Needless to say, I can't always find my "romance" novels I love so much so I read whatever I can find or get from someone. I have to admit, I have found some great authors and read some fabulous books because of this so I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing! :o)

Do you read and if so, what do you like to read? How much do you read?
If you are reading a book now, what are you reading and who is the author?

Well, that's it for today! Thanks for stopping by!
I hope to see you again tomorrow!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jan 25 - A little late!

Hi all! I'm sorry I am so late! With the kids' birthdays, a soccer game and company this weekend, I just haven't had any time to log on and post the card until now! I'm sorry!

Sherry, you are too funny!!! Hmmm, what else is there to do in Florida in April? :o) It's that perfect time after the chilly winter and just before it starts getting hot again! It's spring and everyone/everything is "twitterpated", are they not? lol

Today's postcard is a view of Notre Dame (the front) and the Seine. Again, it is so hard to get photos up close without people so I don't have too many I can use. I figure if you can plainly see someone's face, then it's not for me to post on the internet. I will post what I can though!
I hope you enjoy it!

Remember, the preview is clickable. It is about half the size or less of the actual postcard though.

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Ok, I am off to get tomorrow's post set up and then I am off to bed! I am beat tonight!
Thanks for stopping by! See you tomorrow!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 24 - Traditional Eiffel Tower!

It's my son's 18th birthday today!
Happy Birthday Robert!!! Welcome to adulthood!

Just the postcard today. Another busy day!
This is the traditional, from the promenade view, you usually see on postcards. I love the way the buildings on the streets behind show through under the tower. :o) I hope you enjoy it!

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Thanks for stopping by! See you tomorrow!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 23 - Eiffel Tower Take 2

Just a quick posting of today's postcard. Just another shot of the Eiffel Tower. Again, a little bit different view than what you get with most postcards but another one of my favorites! :o)
I hope you all like it!

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Thanks for stopping by! See you again tomorrow!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jan 22 - The Eiffel Tower

Just a quick post as it's my baby's 16th birthday today! She is literally, the baby. Where did the years go???
Saturday, my son and only boy, turns 18! It's so hard to believe they have grown up so fast!
My other two girls are 25 and 31 and my grandson is already 3! I am not sure if I am feeling old these days or starting to feel that "empty nest" syndrome!

Today I have a photo of the Eiffel Tower most people don't get! Don't worry, I do have them normal as well! :o) This is from the other side of the street in this wonderful little park. I just love this "not so typical" shot of the tower. I hope you enjoy it as well!

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Have a wonderful day everyone! See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 21

Hey, I am actually posting on time today! :o)

This cold is really dragging me down so I just sat on the computer today and looked at sites for square foot gardening. I have a 300 sq meter garden and last year, due to being sick, I ended up with a lot of weeds. Sometimes, 300 sq m just feels like too much for one person by hand so I am looking to make it more manageable yet still get a good yield out of it. Does anyone else do square foot gardening? If so, I would love to hear from you!

Last year was my first time trying a potato patch in the garden. I just had 3 small rows with a total of 30 eye potatoes I bought from the garden shop. I was so impressed with how well they did I am definitely going to have a bigger potato area this year! I am also planning on trying to grow potatoes in a water barrel, a small round barrel I had near the old pond, and also a spot or two in the square foot garden to see how well that works as well. Some things I read say you can get a big yield and others say not as good as you read about. I can only try it and see what works for me, right?
I am definitely going to be planting Nicola again. Last year, with just 30 plants, I had enough to last through Oct plus give a bunch to the in-laws and some friends as well!
I am not sure what they would be called in America. They are kind of like a Russet but smaller and not as hard. They cook much quicker than a Russet potato.
I am hoping to get hold of some red potatoes as well. I just love them small and fresh out of the ground!

Anyway, just sitting here all day, surfing and reading, felt good for a change. It's been a long time since I have done that. One of the perks of giving up designing for awhile, I guess! :o)

Ok, on to today's postcard. I doubt I have to tell you all this is the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France. This is one of my favorite photos of it, with the trees framing it. Impossible to get a photo without people or cars though. I have been to Paris 3 times now and never have I seen the city not filled with both! I did manage to catch it without too much of either one this time but they are still there nonetheless.
When you download the actual size postcard, be sure to look on the roof of the Arc! You can see people up there waving! You can go to the top but it isn't cheap!

I have a ton of photos from Paris so I will start making postcards from there. Give you a virtual tour of Paris for those of you that have never been there. Hmmm, maybe not a virtual tour! We were only there for one night this last time when my Dad came last year so I have the high spots anyway! :o)
Here is today's postcard: (preview is clickable and will open a new window for you!)

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Well, that's all for now!
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 20

I am running behind again, I know! Sorry about that!

I am running out of large photos of Holland. As I was going through my stash, which is quite large, I realized most of the photos I have were taken with an older camera and also at much smaller sizes. When I tried to enlarge them to fit the 4x6 area, they didn't look nice at all anymore. I think I will try my hand at some collage-like postcards with the smaller photos. I was also thinking, instead of just photos from Holland, how about just postcards of anything? I mean I have been to Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, and so many more! I have pictures from most of the places. I don't think I have ever taken pictures in Belgium or Luxembourg though. How weird is that? Hmmm, maybe because you just pass through them and don't really GO to them?

Anyway, I think I will make postcards from more than just Holland. Sound good?
This summer we are heading to Denmark and a bit of Sweden so I will have photos from both of those countries to add as well.

Today's postcard is from the inside of Ruine Ravenstyne; a postcard I did a week or so ago.
Yes, Sherry, you can go inside, go upstairs, everything. Only one wing was closed off; that part you see on the left side of the photo.

Whenever I am in places like this, I try and imagine how it must have looked back in it's day. I mean, the ruin itself was gorgeous. I can only imagine what it looked like before. Then again, maybe my imagination makes it look better than it actually was.
Do you do the same? Try and imagine what things like this looked like in an earlier time?

Anyway, here is today's postcard; an inside view from Ruine Ravenstyne.

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Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 19

Still a bit blah as I write this so just the postcard again today. At least for now!
These little guys at the local zoo in Rotterdam were more than happy to pose for me! lol
I thought this might make a cute card for Valentine's Day with some kind of a cute saying on it. What do you think? I have more photos of the animals at the zoo so I am sure you will be seeing more of them! :o)

Here is a preview of today's postcard:

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That's it for now! Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 18

Just the postcard today. I have a nasty cold that is really kicking my butt so I am not up to too much. I will try and respond to replies tomorrow but I do want to say thank you to those of you that have been leaving comments. I enjoy reading them so much! Thank you!

Today's postcard is the last of my "graffiti" cards. You even get real Dutch bikes included in this one! lol Believe me, it is hard to take a photo without a bike in it in most places here! Bikes are everywhere as it is one of our main ways of getting around!

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Thanks for stopping by! See you all again tomorrow!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 17

I have another "graffiti" postcard for you today. It just never ceases to amaze me what they paint on the walls here. Some of it is so beautiful! I hope you enjoy today's card.

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Not much to say today so I guess I will just see you again tomorrow!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 16

Replies to comments from yesterday's post:

Aleah'sMommy - All links are available for 7 days. If you miss a day, no worries! :o)
suzanne - I am thrilled to hear you will be sending the postcards out! I hope your nieces enjoy them!
Thank you both for your wonderful comments!

Today's postcard is a bit of graffiti! We get some "normal" graffiti here in Holland but this is what you see more of. I do anyway! It's too bad all graffiti can't look like this, huh?

This photo was taken in Den Haag, ergo "The Hague".
I have a few more "graffiti" photos that I will be giving you in the next couple of days. Think of it as "modern art". :o)

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Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sorry this is late again! I got a bit tied up last night and didn't get the post set up for this morning.

Just some quick answers to some comments that were left before we get to the postcard.

Judy, I will be sending the photo for your hubby after this is up! :o)

Becky, I use the Olympus SP-560UZ digital camera. I love Olympus and have always had good results!

Becky, Sibylle, Vivie, & Elizabeth - Thank you so much for the wonderful comments! :o)

Today's postcard is of some beautiful flowers and greenery I shot at the zoo. I hope you like it.

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I hope you enjoy today's postcard! As always, if you send them, (and I hope you are!), let me know!

That's it for now! Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 14

I am so thrilled to read how much you all are enjoying the postcards/photos! Thank you so much! Those comments make it all worthwhile!

Can you stand another photo from the ice and windmills at Kinderdijk? I really like this photo so much! The windmill is actually facing the camera this time!
I will find something else to make a postcard of tomorrow!

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Thanks for stopping by everyone! See you again tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 13

I am a bit late getting this out today but I doubt anyone was looking for it yet anyway! Just another postcard from Kinderdijk and skating on the ice.

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Judy, you left a comment yesterday about your hubby wanting to use as wallpaper. If you will leave me your email address, I can send the original size photo which should work better than the postcard if he would like it. There should be a place in the comment area to send follow-up email.

Thank you to everyone that has been leaving comments! I really appreciate them and enjoy reading them!

Thanks for stopping by everyone!
Enjoy the postcard!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 12

Well, today we got to walk on the ice at Kinderdijk! :o) This is the area where there are a bunch of windmills all in one small area. The ice has frozen enough so you can skate on it now! How long it will last is anyone's guess!

Supposedly, Saturday (2 days ago) and today, they are holding the "molentocht" (literally translated - windmill race). I am not sure how long it is. Hubby told me but I forgot! The skaters race around the area as well as further on. These races are going on all over Holland as the ice is frozen everywhere! I guess it has been quite a number of years since this happened. I believe hubby said the last time they had the molentocht was 12 years ago! You can see why they all go crazy when this happens! Plus, you just never know how long the cold will stay and the ice will hold up.

Anyway, I took a lot of photos although I have to admit, not as many as I normally do! I did use a few to make some postcards though so you all can share in a bit of history here in Holland! Today I have one of those postcards for you. The preview is much smaller than the actual postcard!

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I will be back tomorrow with another postcard from the ice and Kinderdijk!
Happy Monday everyone!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 11

Well, not much got done today! Hubby wasn't feeling the greatest so all that got done today was a bit of grocery shopping. It was cold out again today so not a bad day to stay in I guess!

My dad called today. He lives in Illinois and said they were getting dumped on again. He said they got like 10" of snow and were expecting another 4" or more before it was supposed to stop. I sure do miss those kind of snowfalls! If we get like 2" here, that is a lot!
Is it snowing by you? How much snow have you gotten so far this year? (Sherry, you can just tell me about the warmth and sun in beautiful Florida!)

I have another postcard for you today. This one was taken in Giethoorn. It is such a beautiful place. No cars as everyone lives on the water and you travel by boat everywhere. It's just a tiny little town with big impact! It was definitely beautiful and definitely somewhere I would like to go back to one day.
This photo was taken while we were cruising through the canal on a boat we rented. It was a beautiful, hot and sunny day. I hope you like it!
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That's it for now! Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 10!

Well, the weather has been COLD here and the ice has been steadily freezing! There have been several ice races already but everyone is still waiting and hoping for the big "Elfstedetocht". (11 city race) If this weather keeps up much longer, we will surely have it! Most of the canals have frozen over and the kids are on them day and night! This country is definitely crazy about ice skating! :o)
We were going to go to Kinderdijk tomorrow to see the skaters on the canal there with all the windmills but hubby is sick so I highly doubt we will go. I think he has that nasty flu that is going around. It lasts about 3 weeks by the time all the sneezing and coughing and everything is gone! *ugh*

Today's postcard is of a sunset I caught one day while in Rotterdam. It was so pretty the way it changed. I must have taken about 100 photos of the sunset that day.
I thought this would look nice with a scripture on it or something uplifting. Perhaps a postcard for someone who needs a little hope, someone who has gone through a tragedy, someone who is depressed.....
Feel free to add text on these postcards if you want! I am not adding any because I think it is a personal thing and I would rather let you add your own if you want to.
Here is a preview of today's postcard:

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On the preview, because I have downsized it, you can see the texture but on the full size card, you don't notice it. I hope you enjoy today's card!

Have a great Saturday everyone! See you tomorrow!

Friday, January 9, 2009

I scrapped a Layout!!!

I actually scrapped something today!
When I woke up this morning, everything was white outside. Now mind you, it wasn't snow but that thick, white frost all over everything! It was so beautiful! This is just one of the many photos I took while walking around for about 3 hours, just enjoying the view and the cold, fresh air!

The window is an action by Alessandra. You can find it at Digitals!
The rest is from "Winter Flight" by Createwings and can be found at OScraps.

While on my walk, I came across a beautiful swan on the ice. There have been a lot of problems lately with the birds getting frozen in the ice and it looked like she was. I went home, grabbed some bread and headed to the neighbors to see if he could call someone to help get her out. (My Dutch isn't good enough to explain where she was! lol) He called several places and they were all so unconcerned about it. The one (the animal control) actually told him unless the swan was hurt or dead, they wouldn't do anything! Can you believe that? And this after reading in the paper the other day that if you see birds frozen in the ice, call! Unbelievable!
I headed back with the bread and fed her. She started to move about after the bread and I could see she wasn't frozen in the ice after all but she was very weak. You could tell it wasn't the slippery ice that caused her to keep falling. She could barely stand up, period. I did manage to get a few shots of her while she was up on her feet but it never lasted long before she just dropped again.
I gave her half a loaf of bread and she just devoured it! I hope it helped anyway and I hope other people give her bread, too! I will go back tomorrow, with more bread, to see if she is still there. Here is a layout I did of her.

This layout was created using "Winter Escape" by Paint the Moon Designs and can be found at OScraps.

I hope you all grabbed today's postcard! I think I will use a photo from today for tomorrow's postcard. :o) We will see!

Well, I am off to try and scrap some more! I have a sick hubby tonight so not sure how much more I will get done but I can try anyway! :o)

Day 9 - Reach Out And Touch Someone

Welcome back! It is Day 9 of my "Reach Out and Touch Someone" campaign! Have YOU reached out and touched someone? Let me hear about it! :o)

Thank you so much for the wonderful comments! I am so glad to read that you are enjoying the postcards! :o)
(Sherry, your room is ready anytime you are!)

No new layout to post again today. I get the blahs terribly in January. I think it's part after Christmas let down and part cold/dreary weather. I will try again tomorrow! :o)
How about you? Are you participating in the 365 day scrap challenge anywhere online? If so, leave your link in the comments so we can check out your layouts! If it's ok to post your gallery link, let me know and I will post it on the blog so others can check it out too! Maybe I will start a new sidebar just for links to your 365 day layout challenge galleries! What do you think? Send me those links! :o)

Yesterday, I gave you a postcard of a windmill. After all, what do you think of when you think of Holland? Windmills, naturally! That is either the first or second thought. Tulips are the other one, am I correct? :o)
Holland = windmills and tulips! So, today I created a card(s) with some tulips! Actually, you get two today because I couldn't decide which I liked better! lol These should definitely cheer someone up, huh? Now mind you, these aren't the real thing but there will be some postcards at some point with the real ones!

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Well, I guess that's it for today!
Remember, reach out and touch someone today! It may be just the thing to get that person through the day!
See you tomorrow!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 8

I would like to take a moment to say thank you to those of you who post comments on the postcards! I enjoy reading them very much!
I know it is not easy anymore to comment at 4shared but it is easy to come back here (the window stays open!) and leave a comment here on my blog! I would love to see more comments from those of you downloading! Let me know if you are enjoying the cards, if you are using them in some way, any ideas you have for more, or even just a thank you. Any and almost all :o) comments are welcome! No nasties please!

No new layout to post today. I got up way too late and just felt blah all day. I haven't gotten much done except some cleaning out of files on my computer! Maybe tomorrow.

Ok, on to the postcard for today!
What good are postcards from Holland if you don't have one, at least, with a windmill on it? lol
This photo was taken at Kinderdijk; a place where there are, I believe, 17 or 19 windmills in one area. This, of course, is just one of those windmills!

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Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have enjoyed this week's postcards. I will be taking them down one by one now. Day 1 comes down today, Day 2 tomorrow, and so on. If you missed any, grab them while you can!
Have a great day everyone! See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I don't know about your weather but here it is COLD!!!! Unusually cold for us! Every one in Holland keeps hoping for more so the ice will freeze and they can run their 11 city ice skating race. Even though I hate the cold, I am hoping it stays cold long enough for the race! Hubby promised to take the day off so we could go watch it if it happens. It will make for some great photos! :o)

Thinking about the cold, I actually scrapped a page tonight!!! :o)
This was a photo I took of a snowfall a year or so ago. We don't get much snow here in our part of Holland so every time we do, I am out snapping photos!
I used "Winter Escape" by Paint The Moon Designs (Annie Manning) and "Winter Flight" by Createwings Designs (Dawn Vander Stoep). Both kits can be found at Oscraps.

I have another postcard for you! This one is of a castle ruin (Ruine Ravenstyne) not far from where we live. The castle and the whole area around are just beautiful!
I hope you like it!

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Well, that's it for today!
Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 6

Day 6 - no new layouts. I spent the day taking down the Christmas tree and all of the decorations. It took me literally, the whole day to get it done! I finished up just in time to make dinner. *sigh*
I really need to get on the ball with these layouts! I will never get 365 done at this rate!

I have another new postcard for those few of you downloading! Is anyone actually sending them to anyone or are you just downloading them for yourself? Just curious!

Today's postcard is a bit of Spring. I figured it is probably cold and/or snowy for a lot of you so maybe the colors will perk things up a bit! This photo was taken at the Keukenhof; a beautiful park here in Holland that is only open for a few months every year. Their floral display is fabulous! You will probably see more postcards from the Keukenhof! :o)

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Have a good day everyone! See you tomorrow!

Monday, January 5, 2009

No new layouts created today. I guess sometimes living just gets in the way of scrapping about living. Is that really such a bad thing though?

Today's postcard is kind of artsy-fartsy. There was a living statue event this past summer in Den Haag, I believe it was. They didn't have as many statues as I thought they would but the ones they did have were fabulous! This photo is part of a "living tree". Notice the dragonfly to the left of the face? I just like the way this part of the tree looks and personally, I think it makes a cool postcard. Different form your normal ones anyway! If you think this postcard is strange, you should definitely check out the Dali museum in Spain! Very cool but also very strange! Maybe I will make some postcards from there!

If anyone has any suggestions for these postcards, as in themes you might like, etc., give me a shout! Leave a message either here on the blog or at 4shared in the comment section. Here is a preview of today's postcard:

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Have a wonderful day! See you tomorrow!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Jan 4 - Day 4 "Reach Out and Touch Someone"

Thank you to those of you that have been downloading!

Someone said a tutorial for the back might be nice. I actually just figured you could print these out on thick paper. If you are sending them as postcards, you would write your message on the left and add the address and stamp on the right.
The only difference between these and a real postcard is the line in the middle dividing right and left and usually, the name of whatever is in the picture is listed somewhere on the back as well.
If you are just giving them to someone, then you could just use the whole back to write a note.

I will look into it though and see if I can find anything on how to add a postcard type back for printing. Thank you anonymous for the suggestion!

Today's postcard is another "cutesy" one. This is another one from a ride at the Efteling. If you have ever gone to Disney World or Disneyland, you have probably gone on the ride where the music is constantly "It's A Small World". This ride is essentially the same thing but the music is at least different throughout! lol
This photo is from one of the "countries". Aren't they adorable??
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I didn't scrap anything today.(Today being Saturday as I am setting this up ahead of time!) We got busy and time just got away from me. Hopefully I can get both today's and tomorrow's pages done tomorrow.
Is anyone else doing the 365 day scrap? If so, I would love to hear about it and to see your layouts! Give me a shout!

That's it for now! See you all later!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

365 Postcards - Day 3

Hello everyone!
Not too many takers yet on the postcards! Does that mean no one wants to actually write or does no one like the postcards?
I will keep going for those who are downloading them anyway!
Day 3 is a photo I took at the Efteling; an amusement park here in Holland. The photo is from my favorite ride there, the Droomvlucht (literally translated: Dream Flight). It's a magical ride and this postcard gives you an idea of what you see while on it! I hope you like it!

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I will be back later to show you my Day 3 layouts for the 365 Day scrap.
Have a good one and thanks for stopping by!

365 Days of scrap - Day 2

A little late in the day but I finally got it done! I realized as I did this one that I am not scrapping my days as they are but scrapping photos from days past. It's still things I've done or places I've gone, still who and what I am so it should still count, right?
Anyway, here is the front and the back of my Day 2 page:

I used "Incredible Fun" kit and layered edges by Gisela B Designs.
See you again tomorrow!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 2 of my Reach Out And Touch Someone campaign. :o)

Before I forget, I wanted you to know the previews are smaller than the actual postcards. Just takes up less room that way! Each postcard also has a light texture added to look more like fine paper.
I will leave the links up for one week only! After that they come down so I can delete the files from my 4shared account. One week should be long enough, don't you think? If you miss one you really like, send me a note and maybe I will be nice and send you the file! :o)

I was thinking about the people you could send these to or things you could do with them. They could easily be downsized and you could put them in a lunch bag/box just to let someone know you are thinking of them. You could leave one on someones desk at work. Have kids in college? What about putting stamps on them and sending them a whole pack of cards so THEY can keep in touch with others? Got any more ideas? Let me hear them!

Today's postcard was a photo I took at a vacation park we stayed at one year. I just loved the look of this wagon. I will have another view of this wagon on another postcard some other time for you. I hope you like the card! Reach out and touch someone with it! :o)

Here is today's preview and link to the next postcard.

Link has been removed

Since I am posting this a day early and setting it to be there in the morning, I will update my post later in the day with my Day 2 layouts!

Have a great day!

Reach Out And Touch Someone

Hello and Happy New Year!
I hope everyone made it home safe and sound after last night's festivities!

I am joining in on the 365 day scrap where you scrap a layout a day. I am just making a small badge album though so at the end of the year, I can send it to my family back in the States. At least they can see what we do all year since I am terrible about sending pictures! :o)

This is what I created for Day 1:

The front and back of Day 1. I used a beautiful kit called "Feerie de Noel" by NewLifeDreams.

I figure I will make 2 small layouts/pages a day so that maybe I can use one page and actually do some journaling! We'll see how it goes!

While I was working on these, I wanted to make something to give away every day but at the same time, something that would make someone smile and not just the person downloading it! I got to thinking how since the internet has come into my life, I don't send so many actual letters anymore! How about you? Have you stopped writing actual letters to people?
I decided to give you all a postcard a day. The deal is, you have to pass it on! Download it, print it out, and one day, when you suddenly find yourself thinking about someone you haven't seen or talked to in awhile, write on the back a little note like "Just thinking of you", address it and send it! If you live close enough, just drop it through their mail slot or slip it under the door! *Gasp* You could even knock on the door and actually spend 5 minutes talking to that person! :o)
5 minutes maybe to get back that personal touch in our lives. Perhaps you have a nursing home near you where someone could use a little pick-me-up. Maybe a homeless shelter. Maybe a child, maybe an adult. It doesn't matter who it is and it doesn't necessarily have to be someone you know! Just pass it on somehow!
Perhaps you would like to use them all to make a nice little set of cards for someone who does keep in touch, personally. Go right ahead! Give a set for Mother's day, Grandparent's day, Christmas, whatever! They are meant to be used to bring a little bit of joy to someone. Who knows? That card you send to that friend you haven't talked to in awhile may be just the thing she/he needs at that moment in their life. Will you join me in this campaign to "reach out and touch someone"? Perhaps just try it a time or two? Who knows, it might be contagious!

Each day (hopefully!) for all of 2009, I will have one postcard here on my blog for you to download. No particular theme, rhyme or reason, just photos I take and I think look nice as a postcard. They are all sized 4"x6"/6"x4", the same as a normal postcard, I believe. Stamps for postcards are cheaper then real stamps, too! :o) What have you got to lose? Download a postcard and then reach out and touch someone with it! Deal?

Here is the postcard for Jan 1:

Link has expired

If you decide to join me, let me know! Leave me a message! Pass my blog address on and get others to join in this "Reach Out And Touch Someone Campaign"! Let's take back just a little bit of our personal lives, even if only for 5 minutes a day!

Have a wonderful day everyone!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Years Everyone!

This is Holland, 5 minutes after midnight on New Year's Eve!
This video was taken from my back yard and of just the fireworks that go up in the sky. I tried to get as much as I could but in every direction, fireworks were going off so I tried to catch whatever was showing the best. I wish I had sound on my camera for video because the noise from the fireworks is just awesome! The lights you see that look like lightning in the sky are fireworks in the streets. The type that flash and bang but don't go up! The streets are just lined with them and after everyone is done, they pile them all up and build a fire. It's so cool but probably a little dangerous!
The red ball you see later in the video is a ship flare. You see a lot of those going up on New Years Eve too and I just love the way they look!
It is crazy but oh so wonderful! It is by far, my favorite day of the year!
My neighbors and son thought it was quiet this year but I thought it was wonderful! I guess when I think back on other years, it was pretty quiet actually but still great! I suppose maybe the -8C might have kept a lot of people in this year?
It is 2:00am now and the fireworks are still going strong! lol

Have a safe New Years Eve everyone! Please remember, if you drink, don't drive!!!